Sunday, May 21, 2006

My first DSLR

*** Orignally posted at Yahoo 360 ***

Finally, I got hold of our first DSLR, A Canon E350D (an entry class DSLR). I have always wanted to learn more about photography and the DSLR provides a very good platform for a beginner like me. I don't have to spend lots of money in developing countless photos before learning that I am crappy! Last weekend was the first time that I really got to get acquainted with it. I spent both days snapping away like crazy and took hundreds of photos. Believe me, I was crappy! It was not as easy as I thought. I could create the image in my head on how I wanted the picture to look like, but most of the time they never came out the way I wanted them to be, either the shutter speed was wrong or the aperture was incorrect. But I am sure that as long as I keep trying, I will eventually get it ... I hope! This photo (the fire hydrant) was taken yesterday on Dun Hua North Road in Taipei. I have also posted a new album marking the inauguration of me and the DSLR. Hopefully in a few months I can post a new album showing improvements!


At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DSLR is too complicated. I was lucky enough to ever touch one while in Nanjing with a friend who was bargaining for a Kodak.

I learnt to use an Olympus SLR while in high school and also develop black and white photos, and that was bad enough, trying to decide the aperture and shutter speed.. etc...let alone a digital one!

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Victor said...

I have just started, yes it does take some practice but they are not that difficult to operate once you know the basics.


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