Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ju Ming Museum

Last weekend, I visited the Ju Ming Museum in Taiwan. I have been planning to see it for the past year but never managed to make the trip. Finally, having a 2-day weekend (I usually fly home on a 2-day weekend), I made it up there. Ju Ming is a famous Chinese artist with a focus on sculpture. The Museum includes an outdoor area featuring his famous Taichi Series along with the Military Series and Humanity Series. Most of the outdoor sculptures and displays are in a very big scale. I especially enjoyed the Taichi series as they have so much life in them even though they were all objects that do not move. The Military Series are pretty good too but they gave me a sadden mood when I was viewing this series. The Humanity Series included many interesting people in various acts and forms and was the most colourful series of them all. You probably have read or seen something related to his works since some of his works can be seen elsewhere around the World. I suggest to anyone who come to Taipei to spare some time if possible to visit the Museum. You would not be disappointed.

On that same day, I also went to Ye Liu, a famous nature park featuring many interesting geographical landscape and rock forms that must have took many years to form. It is here where you would find the Queen’s Head features in many Taiwan tourism information. You can see some of the photos I took on that day through the Flickr photo link on the right.
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Moving On!

It has been awhile since I last updated you all. My time in Taiwan has come to an end (at least for now)! I have found a new job at home with the MTR Corporation. Three years ago, I have never imagined that I would work in Taipei for such an extended period of time away from home. Although I flew home quite often, I have missed a big part of Megan's early years. I think this has come far enough that I shall return home and spend more time with my family. However, having said that, I enjoyed a great deal of my life in Taiwan. It was a wonderful opportunity to have worked on such a high profile and complex project. The one thing that I will certainly miss the most is all the great people that I have met in Taiwan. During my stay in Taiwan, I have made some great friends whom have taken me to a new place in life. They have shown me what I am capable of and helped me to grow both professionally and outside of work. I can see that I am very different to the “me” three years ago. For this, I want to give them all a big bow from the bottom of my heart! Posted by Picasa