Saturday, July 15, 2006

Megan is ready to move on!

Megan is ready to move on! Yesterday was the last day of her nursery year. In September, she will begin her K1 year. Can you spot her in this graduation photo? She is the thrid one from the left in the front row. It was just like yesterday when she first started nursery and cried every morning in the first month when we dropped her off. Eventually, she found the enjoyment out of that few hours in the class with other children. Now she is all into it with improvements so significant that she was given an outstanding award in her class that about 1 out of 3 students received. This award probably meant more to us than to her! Thank you, Megan! Posted by Picasa


At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Megan's so cute!

Did the school principal root for Australia during the World Cup? All the regalia are in Socceroo colours!!!! (just kidding)

My primary/high school didn't have graduation ceremony with gowns, so the last time when I was under a hood, gown and trencher was like in kindergarten.

Is the nursery year the year BEFORE the 3 years of kinder? I only attended 3 years of kinder before going to primary school. What nationality is the anglo looking teacher?

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Victor said...

Yes, the nursery year is before 3. I don't know what's the nationality of the English teacher.

At 1:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This picture immediately recalled my memory of our kindergarten graduation photo. Your daughter is as clever as you. Do you still remember that you were one of the top children in class? Also, I want to remind you that I was one of them too.

At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Victor, you've been lazy with the blogging. What've you been up to?

At 11:19 PM, Blogger Victor said...

I have been very busy lately with work and don't have much interesting to write about. I assure you that I will definitely update you all once there is something new. Thank you for checking this place out every now and then.


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