Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Brian Lo

On Aug 6 11:10 a.m. Margaret gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Brian (方澔). He weights 2.835kg, average size. Both Margaret and Brian are still at the hospital but will most likely be able to come home on Friday. Recalling when Megn was borned four years ago, the house will be filled with joy (and very tired people) very soon when Margaret and Brain come home.
Megan is also very pleased that she has a little brother as you can see from the pictures, but I am sure she will boss him around as a BIG sister ... She had already picked up a present for Brian and is anxious to have them back in the house, especially her mom whom she is missing so much.

It is time to dig out my camera, dust it off and go crazy on the shutter button. I hope to continue posting pictures of them all. Stay tuned.