Sunday, May 21, 2006

Singapore CNY 2006!

*** Orignally posted at Yahoo 360 ***

We had our first family holiday in Singapore over the Chinese New Year break. It was the first time that Megan rode on an airplane. Surprisingly she behaved quite well during the whole trip including the plan ride. The 4 days (well, kind of ...) were quite busy and tiring. The first day started at around 9AM leaving our home in Hong Kong. By that evening, we have already checked in to our hotel and went to see the Sentosa Lagoon Dolphin show that Megan had anticipated for several days. We spent much of the second day at the Singapore Zoo that all three of us enjoyed very much. Megan saw lots of different kinds of animals. It was a very enjoyable day. We went to Chinatown that evening and had food at a local hawker center. We all loved the Huanan Chicken Rice, yummy ...! On the third day, we spent a relaxing morning in the hotel and took a dip in the hotel swimming pool. After her short afternoon nap, we finally got to do some sighting seeing at the Ruffles Place/City Hall area. The fourth day was the return trip day and we arrived home at around 3pm. I have posted some photos taken during this holiday, you can get to them via the photo link on the right on the main page.


At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you go inside the fly's eyes?

I've been to Singapore before I but I don't remember anything of it. :(

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Victor said...

Do you mean the Esplande, the durian looking place? We were only inside breifly while going through it to get to the subway station. It seems a pleasant hall.


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